Monday, January 31, 2011

Particles and Purpose

I actually wrote this a while back...maybe a month or so. It's been sitting on FB for a while. 
Waiting for your sister to wake up so you can play violin gives one ample time to think and watch the dust particles float by.
No kidding.
That's what I'm doing.
Watching DUST.
It's actually rather entertaining. Makes me think about time. I find it infinitely intriguing that God's time is not our time.
You're probably wondering what I had for breakfast to make me connect dust particles with the flow of time, but do keep in mind I'm female; which means my track of thought might not be very distinguishable. I should probably say definitely.
Anyway, back to the main topic.
Have you ever stopped, REALLY stopped, and thought about the fact that our life on earth is but shadows and dust compared to eternity with Him?
Dust. Thin and light, frail even,  being blown any which way the wind happens to be flowing, not even making an appearance on a scale. Weightless. So small, we don't even blink when a particle makes contact with our eye.
We are but dust.
Genesis 2:7 "...formed man of dust from the ground..."
A very mind-boggling thought.
Add time to that, and you start wondering why it matters; our day to day existence while we're waiting for the return of the King.
Psalm 31:15 "My times are in Thy hand;..."
Coupled with Acts 1:7 "He said to them 'It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority;" and you're going, "What on earth do we DO?"
Deuteronomy 6:5 "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."
Love God with ALL of the heck do I do THAT?!
At least, that thought enters my head usually. But that might be just me.
I suppose we can't.
No, actually, I KNOW we can't. At least, on our own we cannot.
You see, being humans, or dust (excuse me), we were created with this need for God. To depend on Him.
If we hadn't been, and if we DIDN'T need God, WE would be God, and just think about how truly terrible that would be. We can't even manage the earth like we're supposed to, let alone be king over it all!!!
Genesis 1:26, 28 "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on earth....And God blessed them; and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
We're mediocre at best with the first dictate: to rule over the creatures on the earth and to harvest the earth itself; and the second, well, most of us don't have more than 2 kids, and even THAT is a "big" number.Those of us in families of over 4 kids know what it's like to be gawked at and have to stand there, red as a cherry, as some person gaps and asks your parents, "Are ALL of these yours?!"
Pardon me, but say that to Eve, the mother of all living.We don't know how many kids SHE had. The Bible only mentions 3 of them!
And I'm pretty sure 13 wasn't such a big number either. Sorry Jacob.
I'm also fairly certain it was a rare thing for a couple NOT to have kids. Unless something was wrong physically, families that didn't have 6 or more kids were probably scarce.
Don't get me wrong, people with only 2 or 3 kids: thank you for having children at all!!
Every single child is a gift from God, and amen, He is worthy to be praised!
How did this go from watching dust to our human existence/purpose?
Not sure. Like I said, it might not make sense how I go from one thing to the next.
Going from the astonishment of persons when they are told "Yes, ALL of these midgets following me like I just might be their mother are our children, and no, we've never been married to anyone other than each other, thanks for staring like we're retarded, have a nice day" (to be honest, no, my parents have NEVER said to that to anyone who asks us about it, but boy, I'm sure they wanted to a time or two! I know me and my siblings did!)...WHY is divorce considered normal?? Divorce is a HORRIBLE thing. It's something to be SAD about not to shrug off and say, "Everyone does it, it's normal."!!!
Biblically, you only get divorced IF your spouse committed adultery. And for those of you who aren't clear as to exactly what that means, adultery is voluntarily having sex with a married man/woman other than your spouse. (For further no-no's on this, see Matthew 5:27-28. And girls, he ain't just talking about men!)
But even then, if your spouse DOES commit adultery, you don't HAVE to divorce her/him. You can, should be encouraged to!, work it out and stay married.
But in our culture today, divorce is talked about, and DONE, without even a flinch or frown of sadness, and oh my if someone should see it as wrong! (I'm not saying EVERYONE behaves this way toward this practice, this is just a generalization.)
We're told "You can always back-out afterwords if you don't like it."
Sounds like something you say to your child or sibling when discussing an sports/artistic/musical activity.
We're also expected by our society to have sex before marriage with more than one person.
I don't know about the rest of the youths/singles out there, but I absolutely REBEL against such an expectation!
It sickens me how Gods word is thrust aside for our mere fleshly pleasure! Does His word just glance of us without a dint in our self-conscious?
Genesis 2:24 "...they shall become one flesh." (emphasis mine.)
Who are we to severe and ignore and brush-off such a God-ordained union??
The last I looked, dust didn't control where the furniture was placed.
Going back to Deut.6:5.
We can't love Him with all our being of our own efforts.
But that's why we must trust in Him. To receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, to invite Him into your heart as Lord of your life, is to ask for a life of loving Him. And He has promised "Ask, and you shall receive, seek, and you shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened unto you." (Matt.7:7)
And "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt.6:33)
If you've asked Him into your life, you've asked for Him to rule your life. We were made to love Him, to serve Him.
Some of you might make faces and grumble at my terminology, but it's true.
If you love Jesus, truly, what does it matter what you do? For "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of GOD." (emphasis mine.)
We were made to worship Him.
WOW, do I get excited whenever I think about it!! Bring it on Jesus!
I can do ALL things through Jesus, even love Him with all of me.
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
I challenge you to do everything you do to the glory of God, serving Him wherever you may be, serving whomever He has put in your life today and tomorrow, etc., with joy and contentment.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person."

Psalm 68:19 "Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation."
Psalm 24
2 Samuel 7:18-22 "Then David the king went in and sat before the Lord, and he said, 'Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that Thou hast brought me this far? And yet this was insignificant in Thine eyes, O Lord God, for Thou hast spoken also of the house of Thy servant concerning the distant future. And this is the custom of man, O Lord God. And again, what more can David say to Thee? For Thou knowest Thy servant, O Lord God! For the sake of Thy word, and according to Thine heart, Thou hast done all this greatness to let Thy servant know. For this reason Thou art great, O Lord God; for there is none like Thee, and there is no God besides Thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears."
Matt.6:13b "...For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen."

Perhaps that was all a bit random and strangely connected, but I never said my brain links subjects normally.  ;)

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